Cose da fare in casa: la semplicità ritorna sempre

What to do at home when you can’t go out? Aside from reading, catching up with TV series, what other things can we do? Here are some suggestions!

Table games

The old Monopoly, the classic general culture quizzes, Cluedo and so on and so forth, are perfect for spending time with the family and having fun.

Sit around a table, arrange everything, have fun explaining the rules to those who do not know them and start playing. Curtains will come out that you will remember for a long time.


Yes, indulge yourself with homemade recipes from bread to jams, from delicious dishes typical of your four walls, to elaborate and undoubtedly excellent recipes. Cooking relaxes you a lot, and it’s also a way to save: you can make larger portions and keep them for the following days.

You can also do it with your children, spending a great time together and teaching them something useful.

Marathon of films and TV series

Classic of classics. When we are at home, TV becomes our best friend, so why not take advantage of it to make a marathon of our favorite films? Maybe there’s a saga you’ve been wanting to see for a long time, or a movie you’ve planned but never got to see, or that new TV series that everyone’s talking about but haven’t seen yet … here’s the perfect time to catch up!

Do something creative

Old school, but still effective. Each of us has a creative talent, but we hardly give them the right time. You want it for the commitments, you want it because we think we are not good, in the end we leave it aside.

If we like to write you could start a blog, write down a book and self-publish it, take a pen and paper and give free rein to your thoughts. If you love to draw, take a piece of paper and let yourself go, creativity will do the rest. Ditto for any other kind of talent you have: let it flow.


Meditation has long been part of our lives, so why not delve into this discipline?

Body-mind balance is an important aspect of our life, which we must not underestimate. So turn on the internet and look for videos that will help you in this fascinating discipline.

Playing sports

Who said you can’t get into the house? Just find the right exercises online and that’s it. Just be careful not to overdo it and to choose the exercises: start with basic things and increase the intensity slowly.

Il corpo è una macchina perfetta, e per questo va ascoltata e rispettata. Se avete voglia potrete condividere il vostro percorso sui social, magari trovate persone che come voi stanno facendo sport in casa, e farete nuove conoscenze.


Fare niente non è una perdita di tempo, anzi è un modo per rigenerare le energie. Ogni tanto abbiamo bisogno di riposo, di staccare dalle beghe quotidiane e rimetterci in moto.

Quindi perché non approfittare del fatto che siamo a casa, per goderci del meritato e sano dolce fare nulla? Sediamoci sul divano, mettiamoci pancia all’aria e fissiamo il soffitto pensando a cose che ci rendo felici. All’inizio sarà un po’ strano, ma dopo un po’ i benefici inizieranno a farsi sentire.

These are just a few examples, there are many things to do and everyone has their own attitudes, but given the little carefree times we thought we would give you some little tips to spend some time in peace, alone or with your family. This period is not the easiest, but we can still get some good from it. If you have other ideas or solutions on how to spend time at home, tell us so maybe we can apply them!

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